9h00 – 9h35 |
Agnieszka Bigaj-van-Vliet - HOLANDA- (Cientista Senior da TNO – Delft University of Technology, Pesquisadora da fib e secretária da C10 – comissão de estudos e desenvolvimento do MC 2020) |
9h35 – 10h05 |
Harald Müller – ALEMANHA - (Presidente Honorário da fib, Professor de Materiais de Construção e Estruturas de Concreto KIT – Instituto de Tecnologia de Karlsruhe, sócio da SMP Sociedade de Engenheiros de Construção, especializada principalmente em reabilitação das estruturas de concreto) |
10h05 – 10h35 |
Prof. Aurélio Muttoni - SUIÇA - (Chefe do departamento de Engenharia Estrutural da Universidade Politécnica Federal de Lausanne e Sócio do escritório de Consultoria e Engenharia Estrutural Muttoni & Fernández) |
10h50-11h10 |
Prof. Fernando Stucchi – BRASIL- (Escola politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo - USP e Diretor EGT Engenharia) |
11h10-11h40 |
Eng. Inês Laranjeiras da Silva Battagin - BRASIL- (Superintendente do CB-18 no Âmbito da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT).
- Civil Engineer
- Chairperson of Brazilian Committee of Cement, Concrete and Aggregates of ABNT – Brazilian Association of Technical Standards
- Member of Technical Council of ABNT
- Member of Management Council of ABNT
- Member of ABNT Technical Standardization Committees of Cement and Concrete
- Member of ISO Technical Committees of Concrete (ISO/TC 71) and Cement (ISO/TC 74)
- Standardization Technical Advisor of the Brazilian Association of Portland Cement – ABCP
- Technical Director of the Brazilian Concrete Institute – IBRACON
- Author of Chapters about Standardization at the IBRACON Technical Books Materiais de Construção e Princípios de Ciência e Engenharia dos Materiais (Construction Materials and Principles of Science and Engineering of Constructions Materials) and Concreto: Ciência e Tecnologia (Concrete: Science and Technology)
- Managing Partner of Master Engenharia e Consultoria S/S Ltda.
11h40-12h10 |
Prof. Antonio Dieste Friedheim ( Escola de Engenharia - Universidade da Repúbica do Uruguai e Sócio da CYD Engenheiros)
- Civil Engineer (Structural Option), School of Engineering – University of the Republic / Universidad de la República (UdelaR)- Uruguay.
- 1989 – present day as Partner at CYD Engineers
- Project and project management (over 1:000.000 m2.) of residence buildings and industrial locals, irrigation works, bridges and foundation assessment work. ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS: Uruguay Association of Engineers, National Academy of Engineering.
- Assistant teacher for structures, School of Architecture, UdelaR.
- Professor (Gr. 4) – Structural Project I. School of Engineering, UdelaR.
- Professor (Gr. 4) – Structural Project I and II. School of Engineering, UdelaR. Professor of bridges. Universidad de Montevideo.
- Speaker for the III International Symposium about design and construction of bridges:
“Rehabilitation of Bridges” and “Architecture of bridges and Viaducts. Description of some cases of bridges and viaducts, emphasizing the lasts" (University of Santander.
- Bucaramanga-Colombia 2009). Speaker for the 8th Uruguayan Road Congress (2011).
Speaker for the 24th Argentinean Conferences of Structural Engineering (September 2016).
12h25-12h55 |
Prof. Carlos Videla (Escola de Engenharia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Chile e Diretor Executivo da Videla &Associados)
-Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Civil Engineer, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - PhD Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK, FACI.
- Professor Videla has received the following national and international recognitions: “Chilean Cement and Concrete Institute Award” in the "Technological Development" category (2000), "DICTUC to Chile's Development", in the Outstanding Professional category (2007), Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award of the American Concrete Institute (2011), Diploma of recognition PUC by the licensed technology "System of evaluation and diagnosis of durability for reinforced concrete structures" (2013), FACI - Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (2016), and the honorary academic degree of " Emeritus Professor" of the Faculty of Engineering, PUC (2016) in recognition of his efforts to generate and transfer knowledge acquired from research and experience to students and society.
- He currently serves as Executive Director and founding partner of "Videla & Asociados S.A." a company dealing with engineering consulting and inspection services. It is member of the Chilean Chamber of Construction (CChC) and member of the Editorial Committees of the journals "Revista Ingeniería de Construcción", of the Faculty of Engineering PUC and "Revista BIT", CDT – CChC. He is also Past-Chairman and member of the American Concrete Institute Technical Committee ACI 209 - Creep and Shrinkage in Concrete, and of the Chilean Cement and Concrete Institute Technical Committees "Concrete Technology" and “Concrete Construction".
12h55-13h25 |
Prof. Giuseppe Mancini - ITÁLIA - (Presidente Honorário da fib, Escola Politécnica de Turim , Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Sociedade de Engenharia SINTECNA)
-Professor of Structural Design and Bridge Design at Engineering Faculty of Politecnico di Torino. Professor in PhD School in Structures at Politecnico di Torino. Honorary President of fib (on the chair 2004-2006). Chairman of CEN TC 250 SC2- Concrete Structures (2005-2014). Member of Science Academy of Torino. President of Sintecna (design office), and Bridge Designer.
14h25-14h55 |
Prof. Gyorgy Balazs – HUNGRIA - (Presidente Honorário da fib , Chefe do Departamento de Materiais, Construção e Tecnologia da Faculdade de Engenheira Civil da Universidade de Tecnologia e Economia de Budapeste).
-György L. Balázs is professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary. His main fileds of activities are: experimental and analytical studies on concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures, FRC (fibre reinforced concretes), FRP (fibre reinforced polymers) as internally bonded reinforcements, externally bonded reinforcements or near surface mounted reinforcements. Durability, Service Life. Fire resistance and fire design. Bond and cracking. HPC (high performance concrete). Sustainability.
- Serves as chairman of fib Commission on Dissemination of knowledge including fib-courses and fib Textbook on Advanced design of concrete structures. He founded the series of fib International PhD Symposia in Civil Engineering in 1996. He has been elected as President of fib for the period of 2011 and 2012. Served as Immediate Past President of fib for 2013 and 2014, continues then as Honorary President. Participating in fib Presidium meetings by invitation.
14h55-15h25 |
- Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd.
- Chief Technology Officer
- Professional Experiences
Design & Construction of more than 200 Bridges
- Visiting Scholar of The University of Texas at Austin in USA (1989 – 1990)
- R&D of Stay Cable Damper, Optimization and new Bridge Systems
- Technical Adviser of St. Croix River Crossing in USA (2011 - 2012)
- More than 70 patents regarding Bridges
- fib Award for Outstanding Structure , 2006
- JSCE Tanaka Awards (Paper Category) for Bridge Engineering, 2012
- Trophy Eugene Freyssinet, 2013
- fib Presidium Member (2017 – 2018)
15h25-16h05 |
Prof. Paulo Helene (USP e Diretor da PhD Engenharia) and Prof. Fernando Stucchi (USP e Diretor da EGT Engenharia)
- Engenheiro Civil, especialista em “Patología de las Construcciones”, Instituto Eduardo Torroja, Madri.
PhD, pós doc Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley.
Prof. Titular Universidade de São Paulo, educador, investigador renomado e respeitado consultor de estruturas de concreto.Apresenta expressivos índices públicos internacionais de pesquisa e desenvolvimento: classificado com H9 no web of science (ISI), H10 no SCOPUS, h=18 e i10h=39 no Google Scholar, com mais de 210 artigos científicos publicados em revistas e congressos.
Conselheiro Internacional da Red PREVENIR, Diretor de Publicações do IBRACON e Presidente de Honor da ALCONPAT Int. (Asociación Latino Americana de Control de Calidad, Patología y Recuperación de la Construcción) que envolve especialistas de 18 países de Ibero América.
Tem recebido homenagens e prêmios no Brasil e no exterior, entre eles o prêmio do American Concrete Institute ACI AWARD “for sustained and outstanding contributions in the general area of design for high-rise concrete structures”,
Personalidade do Ano 1997, pelo Sindicato dos Engenheiros no Estado de São Paulo, Prêmio Ary Torres conferido pelo IBRACON e recebeu a Comenda “ Maurício de Nassau”, em 2015.
É Conselheiro Permanente do IBRACON, Diretor da PhD Engenharia e membro de ACI, ABNT, CTBUH, IABSE, fib, ABECE, ABPE, ALCONPAT Brasil.
Foi Presidente do IBRACON, presidente da ALCONPAT Int., vice-presidente do CB-18 da ABNT e Deputy Chairman da Comissão 5 de fib (FIP-CEB) “Model Code for Service Life”.- Autor e co-autor de mais de dez livros sobre concreto, reabilitação de estruturas, corrosão e materiais, orientador de 29 teses de doutorado e 44 de mestrado, conferencista convidado, membro de comitê editorial e científico de revistas e congressos
16h05-16h35 |
Agnieszka Bigaj-van-Vliet - HOLANDA- (Cientista Senior da TNO – Delft University of Technology, Pesquisadora da fib e secretária da C10 – comissão de estudos e desenvolvimento do MC 2020) |